Ted Errey Circuit - Brisbane Ranges

It’s Spring - the grasstrees, wattles, hakeas, bush peas and orchids should be on display! We will walk The Ted Errey Circuit anti-clockwise and tackle the uphill early in the day.

Part of the walk follows the Stony Creek and cross it very easily with large stepping stones.

We will visit ’The Outlook’ and ’Nelsons Lookout’ that both provide incredible views of the Stoney Creek catchment and Anakie Gorge

Poles are recommended as there is loose gravel on the up hill and down hill.

This is a combined walk with Koonung is 13kms. 

If you would like to car pool please contact Marg King. Car pooling will be departing from KFC Greensborough at 7.15am

Activity Date Saturday 26 Oct 2024
Categories WALK, Medium

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