Blackwood Circuit

Starting at the Blackwood Picnic Ground we will cross the bridge, head up the stairs, and follow the trail to Shaws Lake. Continuing on the wide fire trail roads through the pretty forest to Tunnel Point Track, we turn right, now it gets a bit rougher underfoot but still pretty good and wide for 5 km, then we start heading downhill to the river, here it's steep and narrow and in places rocky so poles are highly recommended. We will inspect and look around the beautiful scenery upon reaching the river. The tunnel was blasted through to redirect the river for gold mining in the good old days. There is a short rock scramble to climb down to a usually dry river bed. We cross to the other side, then it is uphill on the rocky and steep Gribble Track for about 200 metres.  We will lunch when reaching the junction of Byers Back Track. From there, we follow the Byers Back Track for approximately 9 km back to the cars. Byers Back Track is an old water race, so it is flat and follows the river in a winding faction This is a pretty bushland area with some great scenic views. The total distance is 16.6 km.

This is a combined walk with Koonung Bushwalking Club. 

Meeting Time: 8.45 am for a 9.00 am start

Meeting Place: Blackwood Picnic Ground on Caravan Park Road. Drive past the caravan park & office to the car park, it costs $3 to park for the day, and put money in the red donation box when you drive past the office. 

For carpooling at KFC we will meet at 7.10 am



Activity Date Sunday 07 Jul 2024
Categories WALK, Medium

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