Blue Lotus Gardens

Blue Lotus Gardens

Blue Lotus Gardens,  Spanning over 14 acres in size this tropical themed garden contins more than 40 diferent ponds, lakes and water features which produce the biggest display of lotus and waterlily flowers in the southern hemisphere.  The grounds also contain an amazing array of exotic plans, garden exhibits, fountains, waterfalls, floral sculptures, walks and scenic vistas.  Picnic facilities with numerous shelters are provided throughout the garens.  There is also a Garden Cafe that offers fantastic views of the flowers - and of course a visitor shop.  ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC FOR FLOWER PHOTOS.

The cost is $22 for seniors - there is a group discount for over 15 people of $18.50.  

Once we see who is interested I may be able to obtain a group discount.  

Suggesting we meet at Kangaroo Ground Ness Lane and car pool to the Gardens in Yarra Junction.  The gardens open at 10am - we will walk around the gardens for a couple of hours, BYO lunch - you can buy a coffee or whatever and then travel home.  It will be a morning event as it does get hot in the gardens and we will leave after we've had our lunch.



Activity Date Wednesday 10 Jan 2024

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