GPS Track Details
Track length: 9.95 km
Total ascent: 203 m
Total descent: 203 m
Categories: Walk
Uploaded by: David Smyth
This walk consists of 2 parts.  The first section is a 10km circuit walk starting at Mortimer Picnic Ground and is titled Bunyip State Park Track.  The second part of the walk is saved as a seperate activity in the JTrack Library titled Buttongrass Nature Walk and is 3.5km circuit walk.  After finishing the first walk it is about a 4km drive to the second activity.
The plan for the day is as follows:

Start walk at Mortimer Picnic Ground Mel Keymap R12 09:00. This is off Gembrook Tonimbuk Rd 7 km from Gembrook. The walk follows a 1 km nature trail then commences a steady 135m climb through varied forest types to a ridge on Steege Rd. Follow the ridge then down dense and beautiful tree fern gullies to Ferres Walk Track and a bunyip-inhabited lake. Follow this track for about 3 km of undulations to the start. Total 10 km grade M.

Lunch at Mortimer's, then the option of returning or driving on a further 4 km to Camphora Picnic Ground and a 3.5 km E flat 1 hour circuit through button grass, rare in Victoria, and other swampy land vegetation.

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